When people called themselves floodians still and Foman did not relate to the Ninja known as Foeman123. First one worked itself out the second is weird when people have no idea what the hell people are talking about sometimes. I know what Foman is suppose to mean.
Yet i don't know why people need jargon weird phrases instead of speaking plainly. You can look cool while talking about Super Computers does not mean you actually know what you are talking about. Every time some one says Foman i get this image of some kid coming up with the word weeboo as well.
"These words will make me Legend!" News flash they make you look pretty dumb. Plenty of words in the Webster's dictionary to describe all the things people want to make into new words. So please do us old timers a favor.
Speak plainly. Use Ain't gonna..or something that sounds like you use the English language.