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6/5/2017 3:06:41 PM


Error after error after error. First it was Error Vulture, then is was Error Weasel and lastly it was Error Centipede. Going in order Error Vulture means Destiny doesn't think I have Xbox Gold, I just renewed my subscription for another year 2 weeks ago, otherwise it would expire in 2 days. Error Weasel meant I can't connect to the Destiny servers, I reset my router and readjusted my motom. Then Error Centipede meaning that the Destiny servers are probably down, no they are not, my friends are now currently playing Destiny. Then lastly the cycle goes back around, Vulture, Weasel, Centipede, Vulture, Weasel, Centipede.



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  • 由Gamer jx编辑: 6/5/2017 3:19:34 PM
    Hello VioletKnightXx, All three of the errors indicate a lost to Xbox Live and Destiny online services. The first step is an recommendation of switching from WiFi to a wired connection, if using WiFi. If this is a new issue you just started having with Destiny, please try clearing your Cache. Also please power-cycle your networking hardware. [quote]Log off of Destiny Turn off your PlayStation or Xbox console Power-cycle your networking hardware (router, modem, etc.) by turning each item off, then waiting 30 seconds before turning them back on one by one, beginning with your modem Once your home network is back up, turn on your PlayStation or Xbox console and relaunch Destiny.[/quote] Internet connection issues can just happen for a short period of time, it can be caused by your home network, Destiny network issues or your ISP having issues. You should take a look at the Networking guide below and see if you can better improve your network connections to Destiny if you continue to have this issue. [url=]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/url]



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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