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6/5/2017 7:02:38 AM

Who's ready for E3?

I can't wait for more info about Destiny 2, the multiplayer reveal for Call of Duty WWII, Hopefully more God of War and Spider-Man information from Sony and Assassin's Creed from the Ubisoft conference. What else are you guys excited for?



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  • Scorpio seems to be the big thing this go around. I am interested most to see if Microsoft breaks from the Xbox One brand and just how much they refresh the packaging of games, their image, and the UI. I believe it will cost $399.99 at launch. These "It'll be $699.99 and the most powerful device ever made!" are ridiculous. I wonder if Microsoft will finally get that video games sell video games consoles and unveil some big titles. Sony's going to have more of God of War and probably gameplay unveils for The Last of Us II and Spiderman. Tough to match that. Sony will be more standard fair. I can see a few new announcements from Sucker Punch or From Software. The gameplay unveils of the aforementioned games will be the big news. Nintendo I'm not sure about. I wouldn't be shocked if they just did a blowout of Super Mario Odyssey and announced some Wii U ports to the Switch like Smash Bros. We still haven't seen the Zelda DLC either.



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