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由TheAlphaPorch编辑: 6/26/2017 8:05:07 PM

So I built homecoming and EDZ (UPDATED)

This took me a couple weeks to finish, it's a fully Redstone compatible version of Homecoming from D2 You may think I stole this via the weird little text on the side but I was just using imgur uploader or whatever. I built this with my ps3 so I had to take a photo with my phone. So you may be asking "What exactly does this map contain? Well it comes with [b]The homecoming mission[/b] [b]Class selection and class supers[/b] [b]The farm[/b] [b]The entire EDZ to explore[/b] [b]Secrets and Easter eggs[/b] So what exactly does this mean? Well in a few days I'm hosting an event where you can experience the Homecoming mission for yourself! How will this work? Well the day I'm hosting I will make a post Via informing you that today's the day. If you want to join in on the fun just send a friend request like you do with most recruitment posts. However as I'm on ps3 only [b]Ps3 and ps4 users may join[/b] If you want to see more pictures of the EDZ and homecoming I'll be updating this post with more and more photos! [b]NEW PHOTOS[/b] EDZ river Gary's ship (Exterior) Gary's ship (boss arena) Another side of the tower The farm Good luck guardians! [spoiler]P.s. My PSN name is TheAlphaHydra just so ya know.[/spoiler]



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