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6/13/2017 6:46:31 AM

Special Weapons & Other issues we are dealing with.

Hello everybody, so how many of us has been affected by this already. Pvp? Pve? Yup pretty much the both. And here is a couple of solutions to balance pvp again and making pve relevant again. 1.- Special taken upon death. Sounds pretty good in pvp, except that the only weapon that still manages to keep enough for a clip or two is a sidearm and still manages to outgun a poor guardian. With that stated, how are some players supposed to bring out some god like weapons when their character dies loses ammo. I know if we want to use our weapons we have to wait for the special but downside is that since we are literally just sitting ducks waiting for ammo. Havoc is unleashed on the battlefield and teams are losing/winning. So either one of these 2 options would be nice, 1 keep ammo when you die or 2 have special ammo crates spawn more quicker. Many people are already complaining about sidearms/icebreaker because they cant beat them, and when they try to go against the meta just get shot down instantly. Quite frankly I salute those who can stand against the meta using weird loadouts but still manage to kick some ass. 2.- Having PVE damage/buff/nerf separated from PVP [Unless neaded] Many buffs/nerfs got brought upon us due to many complaining in the community by the same reasons, irrational thoughts about a weapon they can't beat or of a weapon that is overly used due an absurd amount of damage dealt to bosses [Gjallarhorn] . And how does this affect PVE/PVP? Ammo supplies get reduced, great PVE weapons burn leaving behind a shallow carcass of what it was [Looking at you Icebreaker/BlackHammer/gjallarhorn,etc.]. If ammo stock is an issue in PVP let's not make that an issue in PVE, would never use icebreaker out of pvp now that if can only carry 6 bullets [used to be over 20 good god]. Well you sort of see the idea here. Having a nerf or a buff can have a huge impact in a positive and a negative way, in other mmorpgs weapons and skill have different values in pvp and pve. That would be nice to see. 3.- Abilities/Skills Yeah so before we go off calling me out listen, a skill or an ability given to your character is meant to kill. Not to tickle your enemies balls but to kill. Many, and I mean many people go off crying that a skill does way to much, and in only certain aspects I would agree. So here's some example's -Shoulder Charge [Omg S.C. op, Omg not supposed to hit me, Omg he's supposed to be dead] This skill regardless how very easy it is to use, it's made for high risk high reward. That's right. Why, that person is literally just running out there without the chance to shoot at you while running at the same time [Don't give me that sliding shotgun crap] because you can't run and shoot at the same time [Definitely not strafing because it's not in the same velocity as running for a S.C]. Yes it's quite cheesy that he can 1 kick your ass to your death but that skill was meant for it [Unless you're running high armor build] -Blink [OMG blink shotgun Op, Omg BLINK dOdge like a boss away from my rocket/super, OMG can't keep up with him #ragequit] This skill, particularly this F'n skill is one of hardest to use as a pvp Player. Why, because it's not just teleporting like a jackass it's moving to one area while looking where you're going to shoot/escape. Another skill that got a nerf, blind radar after blinking really killed it for me there [Don't blink shotgun because I can't get close to do that....keep your GG scrub away from me :D]. Like some skills and a weapon this one had an internal cooldown like shadestep,garrison dodge, plan c 10 second. This has it's ups and downs, faster escape and confusion to your enemies and it's downs being it's cooldown and it's distance and jump timing [which if you timed wrong you may die or not reach at all] and it's most recent nerf Radar blind until after landing. - Sticky Nades [WTAF how did he get me, You are a P#$%#, ...........] Guy's stick with me on this one, get it stick with me lol. How many grenades in destiny can kill upon impact regardless how high/low your armor is besides sticky [Scatter,Incendiary,Lightning,Spike {Not impact but can still kill you}]. Now with that being said, do you actually think that someone is not going to use a weapon/skill that can 1 hit kill you if the opportunity is given to them....didn't think so. This doesn't need a nerf, other nades needs a buff so we can use other nades instead of just sticking to sticky nades [lol] 4.- Complaints/Rants/Tantrums - Static Builds All of that was just an example, I'm sure that there is a lot much math involved in using all these skills. Rants and complaints won't get us anywhere, instead of ranting trying to get 2 steps forward you're bringing this game, this community 10 steps back. Yup that's right, so here is a starter. One, either that weapon is very strong and kills every time he get's the chance or two I don't take cover and run around like an idiot trying to kill someone and always get killed because someone picked on upon my actions. Many just say it's only number 1 that happens lol. Point is if you can't find a way to beat these weapons,investigate a way to overcome them, some may be powerful at range some up close. If you are dying way to much it's because how you are engaging the enemy not the weapon they're using. Rants won't make the place you're standing any higher, they'll just sink you further down. But another major thing involved is that [this might hurt some of you guy's] to use different builds from time to time. Yeah I get it, you bought the game and you will play it however you like and yeah I think that's fair because it's YOUR PS4, YOUR TIME, YOUR SERVICES, YOUR TERMS. Hey I respect that but just like how Bungie said once, "We are watching each and everyone one of your matches/loadouts", so keep in mind that static loadouts are becoming more and more popular by each day that passes by. So don't freak out later on if your favorite weapons get nerfed because of someone else's rant. Spice it up a bit. Pick up something new at your pace. Keep this bish alive. Some of you will agree and some will agree to disagree but hey what can I do about it lol. Hopefully we se some good changes before D2 launch and if not well hey at least we tried



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