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由joibasta编辑: 7/16/2017 8:06:09 AM

Human Holiday Pick Your Number(Year 3)

[u]On July24th[/u] Rules: Must put username in as "human#" on July 24th. (# means number for all you kiddies). You can't capitalize human, or you're Deej with a silly name. Numbers are first come first served. {I will list the username with their number} [spoiler]This will take time be patient.[/spoiler] [b][u]Edit: If you get a like or comment from me that means your number is confirmed[/u][/b] List: [spoiler] Rain Darkrai- ∅ The Josh- -7 TheMilkman- 0 Jaytothen- >0 Stonebrixxx2- 0.000666 Squishyface- .3 Navy Seal- 1 Misterbakes3- 1.23456789 Sethroonytoony- 3/8 Milledsquirl06- 2 Mythriver- 2.0 Infixo_eLk- 2.4 MicroChango- 3 The Stranger- 3.14 Androyer- 3.14159265359 Shreks Disciple- π Camfour- 4 Majin buu- 5 Swirl- 6 TheFallenBlocks- 007 EarningTheGreat-07 BioSmiley- 7 StormWolf7- 7.7 Vosscillate- 8 HatTrick_- 9 Chief Rockhard- 9.5 Dutchy- 11 Initiatedflame- 12 Uldren Sov- 13 Tntannihilatier-17 Magiktaco- 19 Count omega- 21 Notcristina- 22 Mango- 23 human24- 24 Salcylon- 25 RoZEomA26- 26 Mukkslide- 27 Raijin VII- 30 MrPugly- 31 Ehunt33- 33 ShadowZeroShift- 36 A Fox- 42 Thepanzersoldat- 43 Arkay- 46 Offtopic Patrol- 47 Enthous- 48 Nickllot0103- 55 RaboRab- 57.9 Zeth- 63 Basilisk_64- 64 Nektnt13- 69 Wolfy of Elsweyr- 74 Bpkaty- 75 Heron78- 78 Snuffy- 88 Vegeta- 96 N94- 97 Drunk man- 98 Censing Normal99- 99 HD Nightowl46- 101 DeAdKiTtEnPIE- 115 Sgt Big One- 117 Anarchy125- 125 SpideyMan- 188 Micheal- 215 SpiritOfFire- 222 Sharkpasta117- 324 BigDaddyRob94- 343 Primus TaLlek- 347 XxArchxAngelsxX- 369 Become Legend- 404 Knights of Nights- 407 Starfish Lord- 416 Insta Code- 421 IamRonk- 500 TideFan- 666 Censing Normal99- 707 TKG NiGHTMAREx- 710 MurphyTheCat- 727 Scorpionvenom- 777 GuardianAngel- 825 KRAGG Lord- 827 Nucking Futs- 911 Lazy Eagle- 999 T3rminat0r1001- 1001 DJ Stellaris- 1006 Agent L- 1337 Prophet of Lenny- 1340 RandallTheVandal- 1337 Mr Boom16- 1616 Humanbeing1701- 1701 XBlazingPhoenix-1776 A Twisted Claw- 1887 FUZIONmachine6- 1947 Blur- 2501 Esko- 3570 Hogs- 4647 Griffball- 5223 Stryder- 6565 Canada- 42069 Lightning8201-6969 Baby Servitor V2- 7777 Al Gore- 9000+ Petition- 9001 Shiny Wurmple- 11313 Bacon Strips- 43110 TwoGZ- 58008 Zambruno234- 61301 Aliatus- 69420 BostonBakedDeath- 80085 Orxy- 991007 GazYah- 1337420 TheBaynes- 2906000 Maasaw Dreamt- 5318008 M16 Epic- 8675309 Caboose- 2,478,912,803 KumagiaEP- FF9900 ProGamingTurtle- googol The Met- googolplex Fotbitr- humani BanjoDeluxe- 10x Random_NPC- ∞ [/spoiler]



遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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