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7/18/2017 8:32:40 PM

The Sound of Triggers

From the creator of "I'm a succ fish" EAYYY Entertainment presents, in association with Talon Memes Inc. The Sounds of Triggers. Through restless Twitter feeds I walk alone Narrow bubbles of libtard postss Neath the covering of anonymity I turned my monitor away in shame And my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a low res memer It split the feed And touched The sound of triggers Fools said I you do not know For memes like a cancer grows Don't post anymore for I might dox you Log out before I swat you But my words like newfomen post fell And echoed in the well Of triggers And the KeKs bowed and prayed To the memeing God they made People posting without taging People "loling" without sharing And facts that no one shared No one dared Disturb the sound of triggers And the God memed out its warning In the dankness it was forming That the words of the profits are written on 4chan walls And discord halls And whispered in the sound of triggers



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