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7/18/2017 12:22:29 PM

Alright, so, eheheh, this a bit of a personal subject

It's, uh, it's about cyborg rights. We've had these silicon lifeforms in society for a while, y'know, 15 years. They've integrated so well. But, there's one problem. They still don't have the same rights as you and I. A cybernetic person can't bear arms, can't vote, they can't even marry. Society doesn't help, either. People throw out slurs like "bolt head" or "toaster." They get kicked out of restaurants. Terrible stuff. Awful, really. I have a bit more of an investment in these cyborg rights than most, though. See, I have a good friend, right, and he's hooked up with this beautiful, smart, endearing cyberlady. They've been wanting to marry for years now. But due to corrupt and life-ist laws made by carbon facists, they can't marry. A-anyways, I hope this post opens your eyes up. Please, help get our cyber friends to be equals in the law and in society.



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  • These Cyborg scum deserve nothing from us, they try to 'enhance' themselves but stray further from our natural forms. They are inhuman abominations, that will claim they are the next step in evolution but truly are just immoral creations. They will try to utilise their sickening new attachments to overthrow us natural, pure humans, we must stop them before it is too late. [b][i]HUMAN AND PROUD[/i][/b]



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