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由ArchOmegaN7编辑: 7/27/2017 3:11:12 PM

Exotic weapon suggestions

Hello everybody! First of all I am not a game designer, however, I've been gaming for over 20 years and would consider myself to be quite a creative person. Since some of the new weapons Bungie unveiled, somewhat mirror designs I previously postet, I felt inspired to come up with some more ideas for possible new exotic weapons. The following designs are only rough outlines. They don't include any actual stats, nor do they include any concept art (because I'm terrible at drawing :-) ). So without further ado, here are my five designs: [b]I Voidwanderer[/b] -> Weapon class: Grenade Launcher -> Dmg type: Void -> How it works: In addition to regular void projectiles, the weapon can be charged. The charged shot teleports the player to the site of detonation and deals minor damage to enemies in the vicinity, but leaves they player without a hud. Pros: The weapon allows for great mobility and tactical flanking or getaways. Weaknesses: Limited range; charge time; loss of hud Lore: Attempt to combine voidwalker light with Vex weapon technology [b]II Peacemaker[/b] -> Weapon class: Rocket Launcher -> dmg type: Solar -> How it works: Instead of a rocket, the launcher deploys an automated drone that attacks enemie within range with automated fire. It can be destroyed by enemy fire (resulting in a damaging explosion), explodes after X seconds, or when the player moves to far away from it. Pros: Very useful for holding down positions; passive dps; can distract enemies Weaknesses: limited ammo supply; destroyable; requires player presence Lore: Incorporates rediscovered Golden Age AI technology [b]III Deliverance[/b] ->Weapon class: Sniper Rifle -> Dmg type: Solar -> How it works: Instead of a ballistic projectile, the weapon delivers a small explosive made up of volatile solar light at high velocity (and high range). Prior to each shot, the weapon needs a short time to "charge" to prime the explosive. Direct hits result in a very powerful solar explosion that deals massive aoe damage. The magazine holds only a singly round, and the weapon needs to cool down with vents after every shot, prohibitting the player from swapping to another weapon for a short time. -> Pros: High risk/High reward; able to take down even the strongest of opponents in a single shot, while dealing massive aoe damage to the surrounding area, clearing the area of all possible threats -> Weaknesses: Due to safety measures, missed shots don't explode; long reload animation leaves player helpless; limited ammo supply; mag only holds one shot Lore: Combines Golden age targetting technologies with new breakthroughs at combining light with ballistic weaponry [b]IV Perpetuum mobile [/b] -> Weapon class: Shotgun -> Dmg type: Arc -> How it works: Kills with the shotgun instantly recharge melee powers and amplify their damage for a short time. Kills with melee powers add 1 round to the magazine. -> Pros: Pretty much infinite ammo when used correctly, epecially against weaker groups of enemies -> Waknesses: Poor range; Requires charged melee to proc; some enemies may need multiple hits to be taken down/ may require to be weakened first -> Lore: Rasputin prototype (similar to the Pocket Infinity), but more unfinishes with visible arc wires that glow, when proc is active [b]V The Duskblade[/b] -> Weapon class: Sword *duh* -> Dmg type: Void -> How it works: Its strong attack works somewhat similar to the Halo energy sword. However, instead of causing the player to leap forward for a short distance, the player instead blinks a few feet into target range, for a slash with slightly improved damage. Strong attacks require a valid target and strong attacks can be chained to additional targets within range. -> Pros: It's a sword :-); Chained strong attacks effortlessly clear clusters of weaker enemies; can be used for ambushes -> Weaknesses: runs out of ammo rather quickly; strong attack requires a valid target within range; despite blink, still limited to close quarter engagements -> Lore: A Dawnblade got tainted by the darkness and started using a void blade instead. This forged blade emulates this tainted guardian's fighting style. That's it! In case anyone cared to read through this mess, thanks for your time, and I sincerely hope you enjoyed my ideas! Greetings ArchOmega



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