If you got other concerns feel free to list em. Go get em Guardians!
Why would anyone be turned off of a game by a promotional item? That's ridiculous. Its not changes that have me feeling apprehensive. Its the possible lack of change, i.e. the end-game needs more to do, especially at launch. Otherwise I'll get through the story and Destiny will go back to a once a week thing to do the raid and that's it.
Sounds like a lot of your problems in the polls. I hate the weapons system, where is that.
no more sniping, abilities and in general fun and the whole concept of "becoming legend" feels non-existent
No voiced character in cutscenes and not being able to change the look of my destiny 1 characters
The beta turned out better than I expected. PVP felt more rewarding to me and the game felt a little less like a beta than all of D1 did. I've changed from a hard pass to a pre-order. Not exactly a popular opinion on here.
- No innovation/evolution of gameplay - No new enemy types - Same small, circular maps for patrols - Recycled weapons and armor - Catering to casuals (here have free exotics for pre-ordering!) - Pushing PvP at the expense of PvE - Hunter class is now useless - 6 subclasses instead of 9 - Back to 1 raid - Back to only 4 explorable areas - Still haven't found a way to make strikes engaging, we're still guarding a floating dingleberry from waves of enemies while he hacks another door Destiny 2 is just an excuse for Bungie to charge you $60 to rebalance Destiny.
None of these so I picked 'Dont care'. I definately wish there were more enemy races, classes/subclasses, but I'm not having second thoughts. I spent 1000 hours in D1 and am not that worried about the $60 even if it's trash. They earned my investment in the Sequel from how much I enjoyed the first game.
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