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8/27/2017 5:59:56 PM

Destiny 2 Clan Recruiting: Revolution

Welcome to the Destiny and Destiny 2 clan, Revolution. We are a group of adult Destiny gamers, who mainly focus on PVP. In the group you will find highly skilled, mature, kind, respectful players. We don't allow just anybody to join, we want to keep the clan small so the feeling of a close group of friends is achieved. Chilling in PVE, stomping in PVP. We do it all and have laughs along the way. No trolls, 'squeakers', ragers or whiners are allowed to join. We also actively listen to feedback from our clan mates to update rosters and keep the clan on track. If you are a mature, chill, kind and an above average PVP player, you know how to play as a team, callout and not take the game too seriously, then consider joining us. We'd be happy to have you.



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