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原先发布于:The Warsown
8/2/2017 2:47:02 AM

PVP Tournaments: Rostered 1V1

[concept only, official thread will be written up once I the idea matures and I get bored enough] What do you think about the idea of hosting tournaments using 1V1 Private Matches? I could make up a tourney roster in Photoshop, winners progress to the next rung in the triangle until one person makes it to the very top. Of course we'd have to wait until they incorporate private matches in Destiny 2 to actually do it since they won't be included at launch. But I /really/ like the idea, and Destiny itself has nothing like it. Unless Destiny 2 added it as a gametype in which case cool I'm still gonna host tournaments with it lol. Would have to figure out a way to reward winners though, unless the The Warsown gets popular enough that they'd play for the recognition and prestige of winning. Reward suggestions? Other comments/criticisms?



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