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由WatchDoge编辑: 9/14/2017 11:47:06 PM

Nova Bomb needs "Obsidian Mind" benefits.

With all these roaming supers, nova bomb is the only one and done super in the game, except Shadowshot but there is a tree to use multiple shots. That is something Nova Bomb is missing. Why not give the Voidwalker Nova Bomb the Obsidian Mind perk where kills grant super energy for the next Nova Bomb. Not only would it make it more efficient but it would also make it keep up with other supers, fists of havoc etc. Right now, why would i use nova bomb over Daybreak or stormtrance since they are way more efficient at killing mobs? Right now the long cooldown times seems unfair and unforgiving for this super. And this suggestion would make it a lot more efficient.



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