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由Lord-Heir编辑: 9/26/2017 11:15:46 PM

Static Gun Rolls Killed Playability

I can't be the only one who thinks getting a perfect roll or constantly trying to was one of the main aspects of the original and had us coming back for more? Now I see everything for what it really is.. reskinned and recolored with no real differences. Levelling my guns to get a feel for them and unlocking the perks that felt signifcant were a huge part of the experience and without that it feels very empty.. It's kind of sad and since it is this way I don't see any 'U turn' coming any time soon on that route. Edit: I'm definitely leaning more towards the randomization of perks or the addition of a way to customize the perks, and not the levelling of guns itself. It was something I felt needed brought up in relation to guns in the original.



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  • Static is fine. This is not d1



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    5 回复
    • All in the name of balance. Selecting perks is broken and was when re-rolling was a thing. The game has been casulized in many ways. This was one of them and isn't changing. Besides a lot of the fixed rolls are quite good. I don't see any more bitching about getting awful guns. See we did this to ourselves lol.



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    • Random gun rolls is total bullshit and broke PvP - why should someone with the same gun as me outshoot me simply because he got lucky with his roll. The crucible is soo good right now that I don't want it drawn back to its shitty D1 state. Just because you want to grind something on the game, don't ask for shit that'll ruin it for being who can't no life it.



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      7 回复
      • They fixed so many things that were wrong with destiny 1 with this change. There is no perfect roll that everyone should use, you can actually build multiple viable loadouts without feeling like you are underpowered because you don't have that one perk. It's more about the weapons themselves.



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      • I disagree entirely. I like the static guns. Gives me specific guns that i want and others that i don't want. It makes each individual gun feel unique.



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      • Fully agree



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      • 由Kankunation编辑: 9/26/2017 6:01:10 PM
        Static rolls > random rolls. They only need to make 2 changes imo for this to be better than d1 entirely. 1, expand on the mod system. Make all weapon perks mods, allow for people to build weapons as they want them by mixng and matching mods on weapons. Multiple mod slots of weapons as well. 2, just add a [b]lot[/b] more gear. Static rolls are good, but there's not enough weapons with varied enough rolls to make up for it. There should be 1 weapon for basically every possibility. I'm talking 20-30 of each weapon type. If they do this, the current system will be far better than the old system.



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        38 回复
        • I dunno, it didn't take long for me to appreciate the steady base of D2. The problem with RNG rolls now is it will bring back a ton of crap perks. And face it, there were a lot more blah ones than good ones in D1. Either way, D1 or D2, the end result is the same: lots and lots of shards, very few long term keepers. Personally, I'd rather they do something clever with the weapon mods. I suggest making them A) more extensible (add 1 or 2 more nodes to fill), or B) introduce more variety/types, or C) both.



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        • I'll get a lot of hate here, but, imho fixed rols are fine. Not everyone have 8 hours a day to grind for a rifled barrel/range finder eyasluna. Also, this can bring more "fairness" for the pvp. Unfortunatly, this is not the case, because of the "teamplay" idea, the worst Time to kill weapon kind is being overused in the crucible.



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          1 回复
          • Static perks would be fine if they add about 100,000 new weapons and gear sets with about 100 or more new usable perks.



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          • Right? Every time I try to pick up my gun it just *zzzt* zaps my fingers, then I have to run after it. Totally kills playability when my static gun rolls down a hill...



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          • I absolutely hate the gear/loot system now. I used to get excited over purple drops. Even armor had a chance of being a dope roll, giving you good perks or putting you closer to tier 12. Now I'm just like "277 gear? Dismantle" No point in getting excited or even checking what the gun can do. If I accidentally dismantle a good gun, I don't even care because an identical one will drop. Only thing I like is not having to level the gear. Not that getting motes of light to do it near the end of D1 was hard.



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            4 回复
            • 由CWilliams983编辑: 9/27/2017 6:27:15 AM
              I concur. Unless they implement 500+ different weapons, I think some random perks on weapons is definitely needed. One of the best things about D1 (for me at least) was getting a weapon/armor drop and immediately checking to see what perks it had. Now; it's all the same. And I didn't feel that any weapon perk combinations were unfair/OP, maybe with the exception of Final Round snipers (which were not used that much, but frustrating in trials at times) and maybe the OG Felwinter rangefinder/shot-package deal. Was the "God roll" Eyasluna better than other hand cannons? Marginally, sure. But it wasn't game breaking.



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            • ... but balance pvp, so shut up.



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              7 回复
              • In D1 you either got the rolls you wanted then there wasnt any reason to keep grinding. Or you never got the rolls and were always at a disadvantage because of RnG not skill. Yeah static rolls are good. Mods need to be better thats all.



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                9 回复
                • Agree. My solution is bring back dynamic rolls And disable perks for crucible



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                  2 回复
                  • 由yoyage编辑: 9/27/2017 2:41:28 AM
                    Agreed, grinding for my god roll imago loop was worth logging on when I was bored and also worth showing my clan mates once I got it, not only do we have all the same guns now , most are boring, it's almost like the game developers don't play the game enough to get this kind of thing



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                  • It keeps crucible balanced...



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                    4 回复
                    • Agreed static rolls and also having no perks that roll with armor has made the loot system feel so boring. No longer am I excited to see what an engram decodes into really unless they are a higher level and then I'm more concerned by what level that is and what type of weapon it is instead of what weapon it is and what it can do. This is especially true with exotics too. Less excited to get an exotic minus the power level bump because most exotics don't have the "I must have you" feeling. I am one who is really enjoying the game overall and will continue to play on. Still have a ton to do in game. Just feel like the loot system really lost something with how bland it became. More guns and armor wouldn't fix it either



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                      1 回复
                      • 15
                        For me, its the single biggest issue this game is facing right now. All replayability has been lost with the removal of weapon rolls, the whole point of this game has been removed, i hate it, its such a sticking point, i refuse to play until its resolved. The whole game is an empty shell of mediocrity, with nothing to chase after but some terrible exotics.



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                        13 回复
                        • Yes. The lack of weapon rolls and more variety in weapons/gear period is a real problem. And recycling models for 'new' gear (Factions) shows that Bungie is very tonedeaf in this regard.



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                          6 回复
                          • This is very true! I agree completely!! looting a great roll on a gun or getting that tier 12 armor build that I liked was the reason I played year 3 of Destiny 1.... Now I just delete everything without even thinking about it, save the shit I want which I have gotten over and over and over again... nothing is special now, it's all just the same shit



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                          • Those ppl who want random rolls back just wanna be op in pvp..Cant shoot without op perks like had on destiny 1 awww



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                            6 回复
                            • Agreed. The new weapon system compounds this, which combined has completely destroyed the loot game: 1) Putting secondaries into the same category as heavies has completely destroyed the excitement about getting either one--as you know you will almost never use that weapon. Too many awesome weapon types that share the same space. It's no longer exciting to get a shotgun, fusion, sniper, sword, etc. 2) Eliminating random rolls has taken all the excitement out of engrams, level-ups, or any loot at all. When you get the exact same gun every time, there is nothing exciting about loot anymore. You automatically dismantle without even checking. When loot isn't exciting, what's the point of grinding levels, getting engrams, or even playing? There are plenty of other shooters out there.



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                              3 回复
                              • Having only played D1 when Taken King came out, I have to say that I feel Destiny 2 has gone too far with 'casual' mode. I don't feel any excitement with getting Exotics drops. Everyone has them. Xur sells them. Legendaries drop like candy & are easy to acquire, etc. I'm also disappointed with no random gun perks. I do agree that skill should matter in PvP first but I think some gear should be different & yes help you if you get some amazing piece. Lost Sectors? How are they lost when they are on the map marked & even in person with the symbols. Hidden chests? Just buy a map from Cayde. Need glimmer, get maxed out so fast that you don't have anything to use it on except more maps/mods. I think Bungie is going to have to do a 're-pass' where they add some things back in so people have something to look forward too. Everything is just handed to people now that I can tell people are getting bored already. I foresee a new level of gear that is a orange/red drop that will be above an Exotic. They have to add something like this in the game that is random dropped at such a super low % (raids, nightfall, word events). They will have to add some new challenges/make gear drop less & possibly up the light level some to deal with just how easy they've made the game so far. I've barely played and I'm at 20 already and with barely doing much are close to 270+ which seems crazy to me for not doing much strikes/nightfall. Bungie needs to address a bunch of things ASAP.



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                              • I don't miss paying for random rolls or constantly getting guns with crappy rolls (Kneepads!), but I do miss having slightly different versions of the same gun. I wish that each non-exotic had 2-3 variations. I do miss leveling my guns. Not the grind of having to earn shards and planetary materials (which sometimes wasn't an issue and sometimes was a pain in the ass). I miss spending time with a gun and slowly investing in it as you unlock perks and get to know it. It built a real connection and made me feel like i was really getting to know my equipment. On the other hand, getting a cool new drop and immediately using it is fun too.



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