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由Kankunation编辑: 9/26/2017 6:01:10 PM
Static rolls > random rolls. They only need to make 2 changes imo for this to be better than d1 entirely. 1, expand on the mod system. Make all weapon perks mods, allow for people to build weapons as they want them by mixng and matching mods on weapons. Multiple mod slots of weapons as well. 2, just add a [b]lot[/b] more gear. Static rolls are good, but there's not enough weapons with varied enough rolls to make up for it. There should be 1 weapon for basically every possibility. I'm talking 20-30 of each weapon type. If they do this, the current system will be far better than the old system.



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  • Again a new generation kid player who want everything served in a plate ..



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  • Nothing new generation about me friend. There are ways to do a grind good and ways to do a grind bad, and weapon rolls fell into the latter. So come up with as many excuses as you please, it won't change the fact that random rolls in D1 were a flawed system.



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  • I've heard this from so many people, "[b]they just need to add a ton more gear and overhaul the mod system[/b]" Sure that IS what would be needed with this fixed perk system. AND THEY DIDN'T DO THAT. Instead they gave us a meager number of guns with armor mods that do next to nothing and no mods for guns that even do anything beyond element. "They just need to do what they are doing but better" is a retarded thing to say. If they were going to do that it would be done.



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  • 由Kankunation编辑: 9/27/2017 5:13:37 AM
    It's not stupid at all. Its a legitimate idea for fixing the current issues without going back to the old issues. Nothing bad about it at all.



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  • What I'm saying is it is no excuse for the present state of the game. I hear that as a response the criticism of the current state of the game and it isn't valid. Doing better in the future is expected. You don't get praised for the thought that "maybe it will get better.".



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  • I feel that, in this specific scenario, it isn't A response to the criticism. I firmly believe static rolls are better. At the same time, I'm offering up ways that they can make the system even better as I see potential. I'm not saying it wil get better, I'm saying it's already better and can be even better than now with a few updates.



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  • 由Truthiness_Inc编辑: 9/27/2017 10:03:35 PM
    Well then you need to play for another week or so. ALL THE GUNS ARE THE SAME. There is no grind. Once you do your weekly flashpoint and nightfall there is nothing to do except raid and grind a few challenges for higher light guns i.e.patrol. Raiding takes creating a coordinated team of 6 so most time is spent...doing nothing. People just troll around in patrol or strikes until they get bored of not getting anything but the same rolls on the same guns and quit.



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  • [quote] There is no grind.[/quote] You say that like it's a bad thing. The solution should not be to return to the old grind. It was a flawed system that was all about padding out the game as much as possible without actually adding any depth to it. The. Current system has something that random rolls never did, and that's room for depth. Mods can be expanded, each individual weapon can be special on it's own merits, and overall it can be easier to balance and more straightforward to achieve than random rolls ever could. It's not a matter of playing more or less. I've played enough of D1 to know that D2 has it better. They are lacking a lot of good designed grind, but they god rid of most of the terribly designed grind. The solution should not be to just pad out the game, but to actually have it grow in depth.



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  • It IS a bad thing. I love how all youguys say the same thing "it'll get better" "the mods will expand" "they'll add more guns" "they'll give us what we want LATER". Idiocy. We had more, we had better. They took all the reason for playing and crapped on it.



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  • [quote]It IS a bad thing. I love how all youguys say the same thing "it'll get better" "the mods will expand" "they'll add more guns" "they'll give us what we want LATER". Idiocy. We had more, we had better. They took all the reason for playing and crapped on it.[/quote] It already is better. There are good grinds, but random rolls was not one of them. In not saying it will get better. I'm saying it is better, and has the potential to be even better than now if bungle chooses to expand on it. It's not perfect, but neither was D1.



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  • 由Truthiness_Inc编辑: 9/27/2017 10:47:34 PM
    Funny how you're on a post of people saying it's worse telling them "it's better" and you don't get's subjective and up to personal opinion. These personal opinions add up to be "popular opinion". When that happens you can judge what the majority's feeling are on the matter. The more you see these posts (and you will see them more) the more you know your opinion is not the popular one. Guess which opinion bungie banks on the majority or minority?



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  • Welcome to the forums, where the popular opinion in one thread isn't always representative of all opinions in all threads, and the seemingly popular opinion doesn't always match statistical data. There are arguably just as many people who like static rolls as there are who like random rolls, both in this thread and outside of it. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter which opinion is more popular, what's important is that all opinions on the matter are heard.



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  • If you think this is one thread, then you're stupid and blind. But I don't think you are. I think you are deliberately downplaying how popular of an opinion it actually is.



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  • This is one thread. This is the one thread you are replying in. The only one I was referring to. I'm well aware that other threads threads have been made on the same topic, both for and against it, and I did acknowledge that. There is a large group of people who want random rolls back, and a large group who prefer the static rolls, and both opinions are plenty vocal. Hence why it's still a hot topic in many threads.



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  • Maybe you can mix and max raid armor only?



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  • I guess the issue is that they HAVEN'T done that. They have the same amount of loot and the mod system doesn't offer the level of complexity to offset the lack of replayability that static rolls have caused. And I think it would be difficult to even hope that bungie would overhaul the entire loot system at this point. So this is how it will be for quite some time. MAYBE 2-3 DLCs down the road after enough complaints they will try to remedy this.



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  • 由Kankunation编辑: 9/27/2017 1:53:02 AM
    This is basically my same conclusion. There's similar amount of gear, but less variety among them. I do feel expanding the mod system is the best overall fix, and likely just as easy if not easier than reintroducing random rolls. Hopefully by the first big update we are some sort of expansion on them. I wasn't expecting Warframe levels of modding, but was definitely hoping for more than just one mostly negligible slot on each item.



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  • If there's a different weapon for every possible random roll, then it's the same thing as having random rolls except there's way more weapon models and skins for Bungie to make, which is costly and time consuming, so we know Bungie won't do it.



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  • Meh, even if you did have a lot more gear, that's basically just getting 'that handcannon' with the good roll rather than rerolling one handcannon for the good roll. It's pretty much the same thing. Just different guns. Mods would help a lot if they actually altered guns.



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  • You said it. This is what we need.



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  • You said it, static. Ordinary is a better word. How about common or boring they work too!!



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  • Still not nearly as boring as the senseless grind for the one good roll a weapon may have.



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  • No one was ever forcing to to grind for god roll. Most weapons in d1 where great. Hell venders IB had great weapons. The game is as pointless as COD.



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  • You kind of were, if you wanted a usable Grasp/Loop your only option was grind for it. Because the only thing random rolls brought was thousands of trash rolls.



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  • That’s why you grind for it. If you don’t want to grind for it and want it handed to you, you don’t deserve the best weapons. And you also don’t deserve to bitch about it on the forums.



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