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9/27/2017 10:00:31 PM

Can't do the raid 'cause LFG Players are Quitters

I really want to do the raid. But LFG players are just so darn thin skinned. We literally died twice because of bad communication and instead of "third times a charm" the fireteam leader just quit. Joined another full raid group at the same part, died twice (I was doing fine it was someone else not shooting the right arrows) and they quit too. I'm scared to try guided games because I've heard bad things (plus getting punished for "breaking the guardian code), I just wish I could find a raid group that's slightly noob friendly and doesn't quit after 2 deaths. :/ This is more of a vent than anything, I'm sure others are going through the same as me.



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  • Dude, join my clan, and we'll be happy to help you through the raid. I hate people like that too. I've done the raid 3 times, every single time all the people have been first-timers except for 1 (my clan mate I don't do the raid without). Anytime you need help and are on we're happy to give it



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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