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10/9/2017 5:17:34 PM

Levithian raid is too stagnant with each run, needs more pew pew

Although the raid has been out for almost a month, I only joined the 15% of Leviathan veterans yesterday. This makes the raid fresh for me and the 85% of players who have yet to complete it. For me and the raid veterans yet to be, I ask Bungie, how could you? The dogs are boring. I had run this before and the latest encounter was exactly like the previous ones. They will all be like the previous ones, forever. The only differences will be how much of a multiplier you pick up before a dog spots one of the Guardians. Once you have the patterns down, it is simply a chore. The bathers section is the epitome of rinse and repeat. Once everyone starts taking down bathers with Merciless or shotguns, the encounters is simply a matter of rotation. Worse, the damage phase has you shooting at inanimate objects. It is the shooting equivalent of the car destroying stage of Street Fighter II. I wish I could record my gameplay and have the encounter fight itself. The Gauntlet section is fun the first time. Admittedly, the first time I ran the gauntlet section, I had a blast. You run, call out the red ring location, and jump. It was thrilling, until it wasn't. For an experienced team, the encounter becomes "cups top", "sun middle", "dogs bottom" etc. It becomes about as fun as a daily math quiz in Algebra class. The final Calus section seems like a dynamic balls to the walls encounter and it almost is, until the boss fight. Why hop from platform to platform. Initially, you might not see Calus bringing up his gun to obliterate you. After a few runs, the tell is unmistakable and the jumping from platform to platform is merely a formality. You could be back in the bubble in the center platform in the Vault of Glass. This all that fight really is, only with more mechanical coordination like the Gauntlet section. I would say it is one step above having 5 players fire off a rocket at Crota, but Crota had that tense Ogre phase. Between all the encounters, you are either repeating the same fight for the three standards or exploring the ships underbelly to avoid it. I would pay real money to Eververse for the first time every Tess sold something that could let me avoid either of these options. Call it the Don't Waste Your Travelerdamn Time token. In years 1-3 you could share checkpoints and hop into a raid with any group at the slightest whim. Now we have to reconcile an invite to a raid with the drudgery of fighting for those standards again. Bungie please. Look at how you designed this raid and fan favorite Vault of Glass and see where you went wrong this time. Vault of Glass had those great moments when half the fire team was dead and we were defending a conflux or grabbing a relic. We felt like Rambo. The raids need more of those moments and less of the "stand here and shoot that" moments.



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