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10/24/2017 11:24:40 AM

Density 2 - suggestions to save the game

Wow, nearly nailed it bungie. I have a group (UK PS4 Reapers - clan and Facebook group) of around 700+ members all saying the same things. 1. Increase clan cap to around 300. 2. Make in game clan activity lobby for main activities.. like you have in the app for fireteams with randoms.. where you tick a box to join a group doing an activity.. so simple yet so effective! We have had to revert back to social media again, not good. 3. Bring back random weapon rolls. Please. The grind has gone. These 3 changes could bring back your community, because people are loosing interest fast. I love Destiny, please don't let it's fall away. Jimbo (psn Manzy3)



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  • D2 cant be saved man. It was built around a flawed philosophy. The way Destiny could be saved is if D2 is effectively abandoned after the first 2 DLC’s and they go back to supporting D1 while they completely overhaul D2. It was done i think with FF14. And that kind of extraordinary measure is needed to deal with this extraordinarily bad mistake that is D2.



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