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由Steward编辑: 10/29/2017 6:50:03 AM

[PC] Teemo's Tacos [PVE/PVP] Recruiting [Adult/Mature]

Good evening and welcome, We are "Teemo's Tacos" and are looking for potential members. Very small startup clan of close friends. Looking for more members to create a more diverse population. Everyone is welcome, we need numbers are this moment as we have very few. No set schedules or plans as of yet, all activities are as they come. Plan to do raids down the line and are currently doing strikes and public events. Come help our clan level up and reap the benefits yourself. Looking for everyone, casual and all. We are all adults here, 21+ and prefer the same. We are however very laid back and mostly open to all. Reply with your username or apply on the clan webpage: Thank you for your time, Steward



遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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