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11/2/2017 6:38:39 PM

[PC][NA] Lyons of Judah [CASUAL][PVE][PVP]

Looking for a family friendly clan? Lyons of Judah is a multi-game branch that offers a great place for casual players of all ages. We offer a clean environment, fellowship, and service to each other, in game and out. Don't take this to mean Lyons are weak, our bonds are strong and our roar is fierce! Lyons is part of Lions of Judah Gaming ( coming soon) which will offer news, planned events, and forums for all game chapters. Discord channels will be available soon. Lions of Judah Gaming is a Christian led gaming community. Each of our leaders have felt the call to gaming based ministry and we offer that for any member. However, you do not have to be a Christian to join!. This means that Lions of Judah Gaming is open to anyone who want to find a family friendly gaming environment with individuals who care for each other. To join please: 1. Agree that you are willing to keep all communication at a PG-13 level. 2. Leave a comment below to show interest and be invited. 3. Apply at the following link: 4. Please up-vote this thread!



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