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由Randy编辑: 11/26/2017 5:50:57 PM

Contacting Destiny 2 Severs

i apologize if i posted this in the wrong place. just maybe someone can help me instead of just recommending me to the help page which doesn’t answer anything in my situation. Ok so here it goes, i’ve been getting this error code WEASEL for about a month and a half/2 months now playing D2. i’m lan cabled connected, NAT type 2(on ps4 but its said i was nat type 3 before at load up page of D2), connection speed is 50mbps. i don’t use wifi, internet company doesn’t have any outages, speed is good, just when i play destiny this happens. it’s frustrating me because i don’t know anything about router or modems and how to configure them properly for the best D2 experience. i need HELP/guidance in steps. i get disconnected over 10+ times a day, playing crucible and also very frustrating when playing trials. please help.



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  • Is the 50mb/ps what you pay for or did you use a speedtest to see that? Because it could be that you have a faulty cable or that the conpany cant provide the full mb you pay for. I would suggest to do a speedtest first. And not just once but a couple of times in a row to see how stable it is.



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