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11/29/2017 4:39:15 AM

Good Sunbreaker Exotics (Where they at?)

So I love the Sunbreaker, but I don't love the only Sunbreaker specific exotic in D2. The entire reason why I play the Sunbreaker is for those glorious flaming hammers, and in order to get the best out of Hallowfire Heart, you can't use your hammers. I mean there's other neutral Titan exotics that can help out the class, but it would be nice if there was something specifically meant for the Sunbreaker. This might be part of the reason why Strikers are often picked over the Sunbreaker, is because of lack of good subclass specific exotics. So here's my proposal for a new Sunbreaker exotic, feel free to critique and share your own ideas, not just about the Sunbreaker, but other classes too. Or maybe potential reworks for already existing exotics in the game. Name: Crest of the Siegebreaker Heavy Titan Armor (Improved Resilience) Perk: Solar Fortification [i]Barricades create a Sunspot upon casting. Barricades can also withstand more damage[/i] So for anyone who plays Sunbreaker, you can see instant synergy with the bottom skill tree (Code of the Siegebreaker). And the idea with the Code of the Siegebreaker with sunspots sounds great, being able to get your abilities back faster, but it ends up creating this awkward pace of gameplay, kind of like stop and go traffic during rush hour. In Destiny 2, you're moving around quite a lot, chasing enemies and avoiding shots. But when a Titan throws up his barricade, he can use it to stay in one location and take advantage of the sunspot while still protecting himself. And the idea behind the barricade's increased health is to give extra time to use the sunspot. (Not too much extra health though, just enough so its noticeable)



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