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由WellRock12编辑: 12/21/2017 6:43:39 PM

Dawning engrams on Multiple Characters

Today I completed the dawning milestones (play x amount of mayhem and 5 strikes) on my warlock after having first done them on my titan. I did not receive ANY dawning engrams when playing as my warlock. Are the rewards for completing weekly milestones [i][/i]different for you second character versus your first? If this is the case, then we are limited to only 2 dawning engrams per week as opposed to a potential 6. If this is intentional, it is not clearly stated anywhere that I have seen. Overall I really love the live events and am not joining the hate on Eververse bandwagon, Just asking if anyone can confirm that dawning engrams as milestone rewards are restricted to one character perweek



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