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由JonnyMadDog1编辑: 12/22/2017 2:53:40 AM

Someone please help this user compare and contrast and pick the best crypto exchange

Localbtc, CBase, GDX by CBase, Gemni, Krakn, Changly, Mnkey (when it launches), Polo, Bitstmp, Bitfnx, Bitrx, Binanc, etc.. L-I-V-I-N in the U.S.S.A, too poor atm for a VPN/proxy, but may try to get one (recommend any?) sometime after the turn of the new year, and wish to purchase some alt-coins (and perhaps some of the more major ones, or denominations of such, eventually for a substantially diverse portfolio) like LTC, N e o, D A S H, M o n, Vert, Verg, etc., for USD, with expansive payment options, short wait times, great anonymity/security (no SSN-esque stuff needed), and ease of access and signup/friendly user interface, to put on a hard wallet after getting them. Hear/read negative things about CBase whether or not partnered with GDX, IRS/n W o hacking in and going after people, long wait times and high fees for most sites, Bitrx allegedly has garbage customer support, Krakn allegedly tampers. LocalBtc ppl say is good for buying but a lot of scams for sellers, mainly interested in buying atm, not selling anything for like a year anyways)? Gemni has deposit limits of $500 a day? Is there no one-stop (without making multiple acc.s on multiple sites) site? Someone plz HALP!



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