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12/23/2017 11:17:32 AM

Xur Is Having A Party

A [i]Pants[/i] party and you’re invited. Get [i]Lucky[/i] without the [i]Risk[/i] of not knowing where you are when [i]Dawn[/i] comes. When Xur plans parties, everyone is [i]Sacred[/i] and there’s guaranteed to be at least one naked [i]Runner[/i] . This party could be your ticket to success or your untimely [i]Doom[/i]. Remember last year when you went to that other party and saw that guy [i]Paul[/i] and he [i]Dron[/i]ned on for hours about his dog’s abscessed [i]Fang[/i]? That won’t happen at Xur’s Pants Party. Grab your tight pants and put those eyeliner [i]Wings[/i] on and get here!



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