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12/27/2017 3:39:42 AM

Someone please answer these techno-questions:

Have some fiat petrodollars and want to buy some alt-coins mainly to store and hide away for a year or so as well as some bitcoin proper (not btrash endorsed by hufpo). Preferably would like to buy outright as anonymously as possible with fiat petrodollars without having to do a two-site process of buying btc and transferring elsewhere to buy alt-coins with but open to the idea if that's the only way or preferred way to do things. Which exchange site(s) should this user sign up for and what hard wallet would people here recommend (such as Trezr vs. ledgr)? Allegedly Trezr's new wallet for pre-order does not come with a computer USBa but a mobile USBc connection (is there a fix/adaptor for that?) and ledgr allegedly has some problems as well with security and an intuitive interface. What's the storage with both/others? How much of what coins can each hold? It seems, from a list this user saw recently somewhere, that ledgr nano s can hold more different coins than Trezr, which is good for this user wanting to buy alt-coins. Not all alt-coins this user wants are covered by the current ledgr nano s wallet, is there a fix for that? If so, how and what is it? This user assumes digital wallets/paper wallets for the leftover ones. Is ledgr/Trezr making more hard wallets that hold more types of coins frequently? If so, would this user need to replace the old hardware or is it a download patch from a computer with their software to allow a last-gen wallet to hold more? This user is tight on funds and doesn't want to buy soon-to-be-obsolete tech. This user is buying a new computer, laptop or desktop this user doesn't know yet, depending on if any tinkering needs to be done, because laptops have hard drives built-in and not removable. Recommendations? L-I-V-I-N (or trying to at least) in the fasco-communist U.S.S.A and without a VPN/proxy combo , recommend any particular ones and what is the process for getting into such things? Never used T O R or anything like this kinda stuff before, how necessary is any of it or what if so? How accurate is that one or two redit post(s) from like four years ago talking about taking out harddrives and connecting outside one's home with public Wi-Fi for downloading stuff, have there been advancements in such fields since then? Coins to be sought after: D A S H M o n e r o N E O (ability to acquire G A S with it too somehow read somewhere right?) V e r t V e r g e C a r d a n o/A D A B T C proper L T C Would like to have as many of these as possible in a hard wallet this user can hide somewhere. Can someone please help create a comprehensive roadmap for this user from start-to-finish in an eli5 fashion PLEASE? The sooner these questions are answered the sooner this user will stop posting these threads here. Redit subredits seem not to be an option, because they almost all seem to want/require an e-mail verification for making an account, unlike some like some M M O subredits and /tipofmuhjoystik (remembering old programs forgot the names of).



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  • Ok, different approach, anyone able to suggest a site frequented by many people like redit that doen't require e-mail verification (not doing anything illegal guir, just don't wanna/see the hassle in needing to signup for EVERYTHING this user wants to ask a question on that may not even be answered; most redit's this user frequented in the past never used to be like this) this user could ask on, thus not needing to ask here? Perhaps a subredit that doesn't require it that this user could get away with discussing such things and not kicked off for being offtopic, like tipofmuhjoystick (for remembering old games' titles). All the crypto/coin/exchange redits this user visited require verification which is stoopid and counter-intuitive to helping people who don't want to be hassled by such things.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

  • Still disrespeking this user? Reported x.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

  • 由JonnyMadDog1编辑: 12/27/2017 4:10:04 AM
    Not "b8ing" anyone. Just trying to ask some questions to some people who may know the answers in a relevant topic thread and subforum (many games take btc/other cryptos as currency such as some pokr/gambling sites for cryptos like bet) and game platforms like steam. It'd be like if this user asked about lindenbux (the old system of buying btc anyone?) here, those are M M O credits and would be relevant to be discussed here and in OT. Lighten up and kindly move along, these aren't the droyds yr looking for. Just don't like yew and some others like Patycayk troln almost every thread this user makes about this or other things not related to this in multiple subforums, get a lyf all of yew. Yr not mods, and this user will not be cybrbuleed off what these forums are intended for because the posts TRIGGER yew mobs. This country has so many protections against the individual holding too much power but very few against the group.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

    1 回复
    • Rofl, first of all there is no law of mahn only the laws of nature, two, this user is not illegally or wanting to illegally purchase bit coin (if yuh read muh post this user is wanting to avoid the btc mess until the controversy is over and sees more value in more anonymous and smarter alt-coins), none of this is illegal this user has frends and fam in gummit/leo. This user said/typed/wrote nothing about what this user would use these for so good luck with that accusation holding up, third, not spam, yew ayhol trolls have no obligation to haras mself like this, wanna ignor mself? Ignor mself, but don't tell the one to be ignord to ignor or expect to ignor those wanting to ignor or eff off, it's victim-blaming mentality like that that is the bane of izlamo-feminist relations.



      遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

      1 回复
      • We told you many times, your crypto currency posts don't belong here, move it or post in #gaming.



        遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

        1 回复
        • Spamming and you seem to be in the business of illegally purchasing and using Bitcoin. Reported.



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        • Bump.



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        • This is posted in gaming. Yr not obligated to click on this post and bytch at mself, eff off if yuh don't wanna read it patycayk.



          遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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