I'm serious. Let's have a discussion about this. Everybody speak their mind. Hopefully, no one gets offended, but you know someone will.[b] POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNING[/b]. Now we all know that the most common religion is Christianity. And if you really think about it, you can see why most people believe in that. It gives people a peace of mind. Knowing that when you die you'll be happy and with your loved ones. Seems cool right?
I don't know what I believe in. When I was a kid I was forced to go to church every Sunday. Instantly causing me to dislike it. People reading the bible was like someone reading something in a foreign language to me. Completly escaped my mind. And I've been thinking if there is a God, does he not care about the planet? Why can't he just at least float down from the clouds and say "sup bruhs" and go back to his comfy little seat? What's his problem?
Sorry if I'm sounding ignorant. But am I? I mean they're just "beliefs." The word belief was made for things that simply can't be proven true or false. So really at the end of the day, none of us know shit about shit. We just "believe" what we "believe." Damn, I'm sounding like a preacher right now. But what do you guys believe in? Nothing, God, or something else entirely. Please, no one get offended. Let's just talk here. No need to start a riot.
由pValue2010编辑: 1/12/2018 1:40:14 AMWhen your brain shuts off, so do you. Your thoughts, personality, memories.... you, are a product of your brain. Any other idea is pseudoscience and ill-informed conjecture, driven by ego and fear of death (and possibly religious indoctrination).
Nothing, I think as soon as you die, you just stop existing, and the only things that exist now are the things you have left behind, people, memories, relations. That's how you exist now, through how others saw you, and through what you left behind. It's kind of like being a deleted forum user, the stuff you said and created are still there, and people who knew you and remember you may talk about you, but you yourself are gone. Of course I could be wrong and I'll burn in hell for eternity, but I will find out when it's too late.
I believe that after we die, we go to judgement for our actions and everyone will be found guilty, but by the grace of Jesus Christ, those who believed will be allowed to join God in heaven
由YaB01Keef编辑: 1/8/2018 5:30:08 PMOkay so, I like to imagine that the entire universe is just one being, all living things are controlled by the same soul, and when that soul dies, it moves on the next living thing in whatever time, planet, or galaxy that may be in. This happens over and over again until that soul has controlled every single living thing until the universe ends.
All I wish for is a continuation of the self. If [u]I[/u] continue to exist, I haven’t really died. Lack of existence would be disappointing.
I don’t know. Nor do I honestly care all that much. I mean...those are big big questions, and I’m just a speck of dust on a slightly bigger speck of dust. I tried to live best to how I wanted when I was here, if it’s a void, it’s a void. Whether I like if or not, there’s no changing it. I guess all I want is for it to be sooner rather than later. Not in 50 years or anything, I’d rather the next 5 or so. I dunno, I’m tired.
Well that's a mighty deep question you've posited to us here. First you have to separate the things that make you, well, you. Your mind, body, and theoretical soul are all separate things that only form an individual while they're connected. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. When you die, the matter that makes up your body deteriorates and is recycled back into the universe to make way for other things. Energy as well cannot simply cease to exist, but can change form. Your mind and consciousness are the result of electrical impulses in the brain. The brain also creates an electromagnetic field while alive. That energy, upon dying, is lost as heat or conducted out of the body. If you believe in such things, it should be theoretically possible for your mind to leave an imprint on conductive materials if the electromagnetic field emitted at death is strong enough, which could account for ghosts and such. Finally the soul, which no one can prove exists or doesn't exist. We don't know what it is if it does exist, and thus can't apply the laws of science to it. That's where religion and faith typically come in. Personally I do not believe in a heaven or hell. The soul is most likely a form of as-of-yet undefined energy, and if all the energy of dead people was leaving earth to go to other realms where would the energy for new souls come from? I believe that, in the case of souls being real, reincarnation of some kind is the most likely result. The energy from dead souls is recycled back into the world to create new life. Chances are that soul gets mixed in with all the other dead souls before some of it is scooped out for a new life, and because the mind and body are separate it is highly unlikely that any memories or personality traits survive into the new life.
You respawn at the last bonfire rested at, and lose all souls you were carrying. But in all seriousness, I'm assuming just an end. But hoping for my own lucid dream-like post mortem dream world...for lack of better description
由minifig13编辑: 1/7/2018 7:19:49 AMMan this is the deepest post I've ever seen on offtopic. So what I'm thinkin' here is that what if God is not only the creator/founder of earth. But the whole universe, that's a lot to keep in check, a lot to balance and with new content always being added it just gets worse. So that would solve how a little backwater planet like earth could get backburnered. So now I'm typing this and it gets me thinking, what if political instability, pollution and climate changes are a [i]test[/i]. What if we are left alone to see if we are capable of keeping a planet alive and well as a test, an examination. So maybe eventually we pass and go and join countless other cosmic civilizations. Maybe it's just more tests as we reach out beyond the rock we call home. These so far are my personal religious beliefs, nobody has taught me this. About life and death...I need to go and ponder that for a bit.
I rather like Captain Picard's take on the question: "Considering the marvelous complexity of the universe, its clockwork perfection, its balances of this against that, matter, energy, gravitation, time, dimension, I believe that... what we are goes beyond Euclidean or other "practical" measuring systems, and that our existence is part of a reality beyond what we understand now as reality."
Topic post: If your lucky... u pass with little pain. Then u travel to the forgotten wasteland of beings that didn't matter.... then if you lucky again the great recycler chooses to pull your soul to the great tshirt cannon in the sky and shoot your "soul" to a "new" beginning in a carbon based life form of his choice to fulfill a "designed" plan of his choice.... totally wiped of any remembrance except for "Deja vu" experiences.... Then the cycle repeats... welcome to hell.😃