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由sgyfuduigtgs编辑: 1/30/2018 1:53:39 AM

Weekly OffTopic report #28: 1/29/18

[b]User helps you love yourself:[/b] [quote]Whether you're struggling with a mental problem, physical issues, or you're perfectly happy, there's always a reason to show yourself love. Here is a list of 12 ways you can do just that: [/quote] [b] [/b] [b]User asks "what makes you moral?":[/b] [quote] I have gained this by philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law. --Aristotle Do you do good things for religious reasons, out of fear of retribution if you don't do them, or for some other reason?... [/quote] [b] [/b] [b]User suggests "fandom assault groups":[/b] [quote]So I’ve been thinking about memes and stuff and a thought shot through my head like a bullet: “What if I had a fandom assault group?” Now don’t go into immediate assumptions on what that means, I’m referring to fighting against extremists within fandoms, you know the guys that make the fandoms into viruses, I have an idea and everything on how to fight em... [/quote] [b] [/b] [b]User wants to know what you're statistically best at:[/b] [quote]Out of everyone in the world, what are you statistically the best (or worst) at? You can’t say stuff like “I’m statistically the smartest person.” That’s just not true. I need something unique and... sure, let’s get weird too! For example, I would have to say I am statistically the best at going up stairs. I can run up them pretty quickly, and even if I fall, I still fall up them, which is a pretty cool skill. What about you? [/quote] [b] [/b] [b]User wants to know how you were screwed over as a child because of a misunderstanding:[/b] [quote]1. I'm pretty sure I repeated kindergarten because I was made to say the alphabet several times and I kept saying "is ellemeno a letter" on the one quiz we were ever given, because people kept singing LMNO too fast when teaching me the alphabet... [/quote] [b] [/b] [b]User wants to know what the nicest thing you've done was:[/b] [quote]What is the nicest thing that you have done? [/quote] [b] [/b] [b]User wants to hear about dumb laws in your area:[/b] [quote]Forgive me if I'm just late to the party, but apparently this happened Naturally this provoked some interesting thoughts and I realized we haven't had one of these threads in awhile... [/quote] [b] [/b] [b]Weekly Shitposts:[/b] [i]How did this tide pod bullshit start?:[/i] [i]Halo: You Laugh, You Lose:[/i] [i]Whatever you are touching now attached to your genitals:[/i] [i]Name a five word sentence that will ruin sex:[/i] [b] [/b] [b]Weekly Segment:[/b] Penguinz0: The guy swears like a sailor but his content is great.
#Offtopic #Wotr



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