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2/3/2018 5:10:19 PM

What's the most terrifying dream you've ever had?

Sup, Mine was very real-like. When I was a young kid, I used to sleep in the bed with my parents because I was scared of the dark. My mom had a little bed on the floor where she wanted me to sleep. But looking underneath that dark bed crept me out. One night, I wake up and find myself underneath the bed. I wasn't even on the smaller bed? Just under the bed. There's a lot of stuff under this bed, so how did she put me here without waking me up? And when I got ready to move, a tentacle grabbed me and I woke up. That dream was so real. It still freaks me out to this day. I mean, what are the odds you dream about being underneath your own bed. Or dream about being in your house at all. Creepy shit.



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  • So... Sigmund Freud said dreams were the subconscious mind working the conscious minds problems out.... idk if that's what's up. Anywhoo.... I had a recurring dream. In our old house when I was growing up, there was a staircase that entered both front and back rooms of our house... Every night I would see myself walking down the stairs into the back room to the couch and turn around to see time slowed... And spirits begin to come down the stairs one by one following each other to the basement door. I couldn't move just observe, couldn't speak either. Always felt like if I did they might hear me and see that I was there. Ominous indeed. That house was so haunted by anger and fear.😳



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  • I woke up in some ghost western town that had appeared to have been burned to the ground and taken over by some biological anomoly that covered some of the houses. There were these weird monsters that chased me and threw random shit at me but I kept dodging. The scary part was when I was hiding from them in a really obvious spot and they saw me right as they were leaving.



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  • The scariest dream I recall having was when I was like 7, I was kidnaped, and for whatever reason they also brought my bed, and stuck it between a lake and a railroad track, and it just scared the shit out of me for no reason



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    • I have odd dreams.. heres a few 1. Me and other guys fighting skeletons by throwing axes, in a buffet 2. Being part of some futuristic police force chasing a gang of people who i realise is my friends so i help them escape 3.having a track meet in some dessert with cool cliffs all around the track and banners hanging everywhere, but i ran a race and then had to leave early to go fight ghosts...? 4. suprise attacking and fighing these men in a huge freight boat at sea at night in a storm. our boat is like huge and flat kinda and its parked next to it. and so we fight these guys and i kick one out into the water, then i jump all the way down (it was pretty high up) and barely make it to the other edge of my boat and im hanging on and the boats breaking but im able to pull my self up. And then.. that night me and my sister have to find shelter and we sleep under some concrete thing under a bridge, but theres a whole living room set up. Sofas, chairs, a table, a lamp, and a rug. And we have a rat problem that night cause were outside..



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    • 由logan678910 65编辑: 2/6/2018 7:17:34 AM
      Had this lady night. It wasn't really the center of my dream just a part of it I wish I hadn't come across >be me >in dream world >in this segment of dream I end up on Google play store >somehow get to hentai app section >wtf >try to go back but click on this one app by accident >pictures shows a six legged horse with a mask preforming bannable deeds on anime chick until she starts bleeding >made me feel uneasy and sick >the six legged horse became a kind of menace among both me and my dream antagonists >also the app had this weird art style of looking like everything was drawn with crayons Perhaps reading Berserk before bed isn't such a good idea after all.



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    • I dreamed I had to watch the Super Mario movie, The Room, and all the pitch perfect films. It was horrible



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      • 1. I was being chased by The Little Red Hen 2. I was in a barn for some reason with my swim team and we were being sieged by snow monster and my friend ate our box of granola bars which was all the food we had, it was actually a pretty cool dream, and it happened in 2 parts on different days



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        • Sitting in the living room with family and the whole house shakes, lights go out, a window opens and a tall black figure walks in through it. And that's when I would wake up. That was a reoccurring dream I used to have when I was younger.



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          • 由f3编辑: 2/3/2018 6:46:09 PM
            So many of my dreams recently have been god-awful stress dreams. Maybe 70% are extremely vivid and involve being haunted by some inescapable demon. There’s just something about thinking you have to live with that shit forever that horrified me. I also had a dream once where I just died. Everything just kind of went black and dissolved into nothingness. That -blam!-ed me up for about a week.



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          • The last vivid dream I had I was decked out in van hellsing get-up riding a Harley down my old neighborhood riding away from an army of gargoyles. Don’t really know what the significance was...



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          • 由Newlord devix编辑: 2/3/2018 9:21:28 PM
            All of my dreams are in third person unless I consciously make them first person. The worst was being -blam!- because to kill the rapist, I shoved a knife down his throat and he begged for mercy. I didn’t give mercy and began stabbing non vital spots as a form of torture. Then I bled out after cutting myself. I woke up with a cut in the same spot I stabbed the rapist last. Edit: blam= Rap3d



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          • Even though I'm out of college, I still have those nightmares that I missed my finals every once in a while.



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          • Omigosh so many..... 1. Everyone I speak to gets cancer 2. Drowning in a pool of the tears of people I've failed 3. Being forced to kill a puppy with an axe to save a cuter puppy 4. My body slowly turns to sand from the bottom up 5. In a hot tub with a girl I had a crush on at the time but then she literally ate me whole somehow



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          • Well the only terrifying dreams I can get are sleep paralysis. I'm not sure if they qualify. I did however have a very strange recurring dream just recently. The same thing kept happening over and over. It always started with me outside my house, it was sunny. I look at the forest, and I see a person. That person spots me, and starts running towards me. I quickly run down the steps, jump down to the garden, climb the fence. And when I'm on the side walk... I jump towards a speeding car, because I realize that I won't be able to outrun him. It starts over, I quickly hide. And peek just a little, he spots me and the same thing repeats again. I think it repeated like 4-5 times before I woke up. I felt nothing though. The thing is. I never got to talk to him, so I didn't know if he was a nice person. But the way he ran towards me, felt like I couldn't risk it at the time. I don't know if this has a greater meaning to it. I know many dreams have real meanings in them. [spoiler][b][i][u]KUPO!!!™[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]



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          • 由Papo Pechuga编辑: 2/3/2018 11:07:17 PM
            My dreams are -blam!-ed up and extremely random. They don't make sense. At least I never have nightmares. I used to dream a lot (years ago) about me losing my right foot though. I lost it in many different ways (cut of, shot, bit off, amputated because of different things, lost in an explosion, etc.)



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          • 1. I was in a parking lot alone, everything beyond the parking lot was darkness. Then I see a station wagon drift through the parking lot and stop. A guy comes out and immediately starts chasing me. 2. I was being chased by a zombie from World War Z, eventually he catches up and bites me. When I woke up my arm was twitching uncontrollably. 3. The whole dream was a Chills video called,"Top 15 scariest videos"(Not the real one though). It only showed 2 sections. One was real footage of SCP 173. The second was a pale, long haired man playing a piano. The the man turned around, his mouth was 3 times bigger than his head and he let out the most blood curdling scream ever.



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            • 由AbyssalVoice13编辑: 2/3/2018 11:08:19 PM
              I've had two dreams that involved my twin sister dying. In one she was brutally murdered and the other she died in a car crash, both times I only woke up and realized it was a dream when I broke down crying in the dream itself...I've never been more freaked out by a dream before and has made me realize what I truly fear...



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            • 由booris编辑: 2/4/2018 12:38:34 AM
              - Falling off a cliff on Mars. - At my sister's house at night for some reason, walking around and then falling over with a screaming ghost right in front of me. Then I woke up. - Getting chased by polar bears then getting stuck under the ice and drowning.



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            • I can never describe it because its just the aliens and ships from War of the Worlds, the one with Tom cruise, just destroying and killing everything. One time Cl4ptr4p was in it, I have no idea why either.



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            • <I think I already mentioned this one a few times but... I had this continuous 2-week-long dream about finally getting a girl. That summary is a lot nicer and sounds perfectly fine compared to what actually goes down. Basically this demon chick is super into me to the point where she takes me away from my home in my sleep to do... things that I won't list here because I like this website enough. When I escape I seek help. All form of help including, family, friends, and random-ass people all die in front of me. She figures out that the world is an obstacle in her way and proceeds to lead an invasion. She captures me again and it all ends with me killing myself. Listen, torture ain't fun my dude. And when you go to sleep every night to see the same shit it gets really annoying. When you see everyone you care about die in front of you while being helpless to stop it, even attempting to make it a lucid dream... then it becomes a different story.>



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            • I had a very vivid dream when I was a kid that Winnie the Pooh and all his friends were in a swamp. They were attacked by a giant slug and consecutively drowned when they tried to save each other.



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              • I’ve got more My second worst was crying blood alone in a dark room. I drowned in that blood after 9 months of crying. In the blood, I was eaten by a creature that crawled out my lung. The whole process took 23 years. I woke up and just went to watch anime. My third worst was actually an amazing dream. In my dream, I woke up and lived for 45 years. I had a dead wife, but loving kids(I knew it was a dream when I had kids cause I hate kids). I had many friends and a job as an actor and professional writer. When I woke up I cried for about 4 min straight because I knew I could never have a life like that. In that dream I saw lots of people. Some of them I randomly bump into and recognize from the dream.



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                • 2
                  Not going to go into details, but worst dream I have ever had involved my wife and kids being killed.



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                  • Going overboard on a cruise.



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                  • Dreamt I am was chased by a ghost, woke up, had sleep paralysis and an out of body experience at the same time as the ghost strangled me, then I woke up. Dreamt about a baby deforming into some demonic creature. Dreamt I was lost in an old museum's attic, was attacked by a demon, but I was wearing invisible armor so it all worked out.



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                  • This was just yesterday, so it’s still pretty fresh. I’m in a car driving down a road. The road is rusted metal, and goes on and on without an end. On both sides of me there is just grey land. Nothing on it, just grey expanse. All over the grey landscape are these massive figures that tower over me, they are grey with gross skin, and a head but no face. Instead of legs they are just dripping like water. They are reaching twitch their hands and grabbing strings out of thin air and tangling and untangling them. I watch them for a while, until a giant red ball shows up on the horizon and swallows everything. Another weird thing is that I never dream. Ever. This really freaked me out because it felt so real. There wasn’t anything really scary about one singular aspect, but the whole thing was just really unnerving.



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