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2/19/2018 2:00:25 PM

[XB1] Calling all UK Hardcore Grinders / Raiders / Endgame pursuers! THE RISE OF NEW LEGENDS are recruiting

[b]The Rise of New Legends[/b] are a UK Clan for UK Guardian's that are [b][i]active[/i][/b], [b][i]chilled[/i][/b] and [b][i]of legal age to buy booze (yum yum)![/i][/b] We currently have 90+ members and having recently removed some inactives we now have a small amount of Clan space free that we are allocating specifically to [b]Hardcore Guardian's[/b]. We are seeking those of you that [b]love endgame[/b], those of you that [b]grind the poop[/b] out of the game - [i]rain or shine[/i], those of you that [b]love to Raid[/b] and those of you that [b]can wipe out an entire team in Trials single-handed (one man, or woman army)![/b] We are also actively taking part in [b]Destiny Clan Warfare[/b] events which a lot of members are finding enjoyable. As mentioned above, our Clan is for [b]chilled, active[/b] Guardian's [b]only[/b] - if you are any of the following, please do not apply as you will not be welcome here: [i]~ unwilling to help others ~ a hot head ~ a rage quitter ~ arrogant ~ enjoy taking breaks from the game until new content is released[/i] We use Discord for communication within the Clan for lfg, sharing tips or just general banter. If you would like to know more or are interested, please private message me.



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