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2/25/2018 12:59:29 AM

Exotic Faction Rally Weapons?

Winning weapon each Faction Rally would be that faction's exotic weapon. Each one would be a power weapon, but it would go in the energy slot. Dead Orbit would have a sniper that granted full invisibility when using the scope (like Patience and Time), but there would be no telltale red dot on your head showing your enemies exactly where to shoot. Invisibility would last until the player stopped using the scope or fired a shot. Scope would give player extreme tunnel vision when in use, making it not very viable to use the invis when travelling. FWC would have a fusion rifle that always dealt damage matching the wielder's subclass. Kills with the weapon would temporarily grant additional damage for that element (e.g. if using a solar subclass, fusion rifle will deal solar damage and buff all of the player's solar abilities and weapon damage upon getting kills). New Monarchy would have a shotgun that would not expend ammo while under the effects of a class ability (i.e. In an allied Rift, behind an allied Barricade, or shortly after Dodging) or a super (e.g. While the wielder's super is active, or inside an allied Ward of Dawn). Furthermore, kills with the weapon would partially recharge the class ability of the wielder.



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