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由Unforgiven编辑: 3/19/2018 11:16:56 PM

Who else thought that Destiny 2 Guardian Face Models would look like this?

The male, and female, white and black character models sure are detailed in the box art and the previews for Destiny 2. Am I the only one who thinks that this is how the character models in D2 should have been? I realize that development time was short, but maybe for a game that came out in 2017, it would have been nice to see this kind of quality. Instead we got the same character models as Destiny 1. And the male model features a mustache, why are there still no beards or facial hair in the game? Is it that hard to add beards?



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  • 由IgnotusSPARTAN编辑: 3/22/2018 6:40:38 AM
    They probably just weren't able to hire the actors for the box art again to do a 3D scan of their faces. Those are real costumes made by Weta Workshop with actors wearing the suits. Besides, keeping the D1 models is easier. If no-one's gonna see the faces, it would be a waste of polys for detailed face models when rendered.



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