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由Talia Sendua编辑: 4/2/2018 10:36:16 AM

Please Bungie, give us more Aim Assistance! People like me need it to have a fair chance in the crucible!

To be honest, I wasn't a bad player in D1. Also in D2 I am not as bad as I look for many but it has it own reasons, why I play so terrible. Let me be more clear: I'm 18 and I have trembling hands since my birth. So this cause me to have problems on aiming good at enemie hitboxes which move too fast for my native aim. That's why I need aim assistance so I can compete against others in the crucible. In D1 no problem, the best aim experience I ever had. But seriously Bungie: even Overwatch has a better aim assistance on console than the current we have in pvp. In PvE there are no super fast moving enemies but in PvP they are called Hunters and every other class in the game. I've really hard problems to aim consistent on them and it doesn't even feels good. The sandbox changes brought in some really good improvements to Line-Fusions and please, make every guns aim assistance like that one. It would feel much better and would make much more fun on Xbox/PS4 for everyone. Go away from the foolish ESL-Concept and make this game a REAL GAME. Something that makes consistent fun, also in Pvp.



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