Bug found approaching Xol's feeding grounds in Strange Terrain
Approaching the Xol feeding grounds, I was hanging back picking guys off that were barely around the corner/edge of rocks (because I would just immediately die if I went down into 'their' battle area and I was using a scout rifle to do it before dropping down from the edge of the tunnel into the main area for the encounter....suddenly a gray/yellow forcefield appeared that blocked me from progressing into the play area. I could walk away from it, away from the objective, but I would get the 'joining allies countdown' if I went back towards the forcefield that was keeping me from the battle area, the countdown would go away.
I was stuck, could not proceed. Finally I gave up and let the joining allies function sort it out, but it appeared to overload the memory and blackout the console (PS4).
PS button didn't work....nothing worked.
had to restart the PS4.
Also - second issue. Game is too hard. I was afraid of this when you had a whole bunch of super-hard-core-we-leveled/lighted-up-to-the-max-in-one-week folks out there for your summit and they said it was hard, but not hard enough (for them!) and you upped the difficulty. I'm a guy who gets an hour or so per week on this and despite my consistent play from day one of curse of osiris, I never reached max light. Now I'm in Warmind and I'm just dying over and over and over again. Not fun for me.