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5/15/2018 5:19:15 AM

Elemental Singes Heroics

Hey all you god slayers, it's your host NWN with some more discussion. But let me get to the point here before I digress too much: Singe. Not to be confused with Burns. Now for some sexy analytics. Singe gives a 25% boost to damage from a certain energy type. Sounds good on paper, until you remember that energy weapons do less to unshielded health than kinetic normally... And continue to do so even with the singe active. Here's some numbers: -353 light character -Midnight Coup kinetic handcannon: 2268 to red bar enemy -IKELOS Energy handcannon: 2001 to same enemy -roughly 15% difference in damage even with singe Granted they are from a different archetype of hand cannons. But this modifier can overcome that?! When burns first came out in D1 with the dark below it was a 300% increase in an elemental damage type. 300%! Reduced to 200% with the taken king, but still, these are significant numbers! These singes on elemental types only prove to hurt the players more by increasing the damage output from enemy weapons than what players can do to mobs. (Off topic discussion follows) Right now the power fantasy that just brings an overall degree of fun has been really low in D2. It's been that way since it's launch. I see change and it brings me hope for the future of the game. But ultimately I feel like right now Bungie is working to keep the community that hasn't abandoned ship together. And they gotta keep the momentum that Warmind brought, otherwise it's gonna stop dead in the sand. Destiny 2 let a lot of dedicated players down. And it's gonna take more than what Bungie has given us so far to get them back. But if Bungie is willing to keep communicating with us, and keep making changes, then those aboard this ship can keep it going. Keep fighting the good fight guardians, Tower Radio signing off for now. -NWN



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