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6/10/2018 9:31:20 PM

Huckleberry Catalyst Feedback

--**SPOILERS FOR THE HUCKLEBERRY CATALYST IN THIS POST**-- While I'm in love with my extra stats/perks from my other catalysts, I feel as though Ambitious Assassin (AA) is an odd fit for the Huckleberry. The rapid kills without reloading doesn't fit well on a weapon where the point is to be fired continually without reloading, unless the exotic perk is made to stack with AA. As it stands currently, I stack up my rampage killing adds, and the kills dont take me past my default 30 mag. It is not until after I reload myself that the mag gets increased to a max of 45, but that doesn't make my new mag cap for the perk 45, it just gives me 15 bullets that dont reload the weapon at all. If the exotic perk stacked with AA, it would make the catalyst feel more fluid and make for a pretty sick combo. (Or, just give us a static increase to mag size, that would do it too.) Loving all my other catalysts thus far Bungie <3



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