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7/5/2018 1:30:23 PM

Do something about quitters in comp

I was two matches away from redox claymore so i was kinda hyped asf like yeah two more and i have it HOWEVER match making had other plans got matched against a clan then to make it worse team mates left the match its 4v1. See am not the person to blame others for his mistakes but this is utter bullshit See i have an idea or two for this The first is good job bungie on banning who leaves early Second is if am left to a 4v1 i get its a bad idea to not count that loss but atleast half the rank lost in that game its not fair to give me a loss due to team mate leaving game I honestly dont mind a team full of V wing or GL but what gets on my nerves is being a 4v1 and its been happened alot Another good idea is matchmaking but for solo



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  • 由ImStillCasual编辑: 7/6/2018 8:40:50 PM
    Buddy, you've miscalculated. Claymore is 2100 Glory Points, you're at 289. Feels Bad. However, you're already penalized for leaving a game early with point deductions and possible suspensions. Matchmaking for solos would do nothing but extend wait times for those who want to play with teams. You can't keep people from quitting if they want to leave. If you're clearly getting stomped 3-0 in Survival and there's 30 seconds left and you're down 5 lives, should a person deciding to leave the match mean you take a smaller hit to your points? No.



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