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7/19/2018 6:28:27 PM

Can we get D1 Raids back?

What could be done to get the raid encounters back? With the cool armor and weapons of each Raid. I mean, its not the whole D1 game back. But lets face it Leviathan is a failure. Yet pretty much all D1 Raids share a common joy between players. Some liked VoG better others Kingsfall , Crota or WoT. Anyway, i think bungie is in full capacity of implementing some portal in mercury that allows us to travel to the past or whatever narrative that encompases the idea to be able to run old Raids. All this time trying to go back to D1, and still, D2 is not even close. At least old players and new players can enjoy the good old times. I really wish bungie should consider this.



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  • I kind of hope they brought forth a raid boss encounter via Vex Simulation.... but we all saw that the infinite forest was neither a forest, nor infinite..... nor fun. But they need to fix their matchmaking first in PVP - those poor PVP clans/players are in a worse place than we are (raid people).



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