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8/19/2018 9:09:22 AM

Reducing ttk is s mistake. And right solve crucible's team shot"problem and only cause new problems.

I don't even see why train shotting is even a problem. Games with waay longer ttk like overwatch and HALO never had people ***** about being punished for bad flank attempts or running headfirst into an ambush after chasing some guy that was one shot. Now sword users, snipers, shotgunners, supers, etc are going to take a severe hit because you don't want destiny 2 to have its own identity separate from d1. I hope the community beg for ttk to go back to normal, because being team shot with less life is not making the game in the least bit more fun. Crucible should be more like halo and less like call of duty



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  • Hey asshat! people have been complaining about the power weapon camping in D2 since launch. No one likes it. Only those asshats who camp at the power ammo and hoard it do. -blam!-ing waste of time when PvP actually stands for Power vs Player instead of Player vs Player.



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    • "Now sword users, snipers, shotgunners, supers, etc are going to take a severe hit because you don't want destiny 2 to have its own identity separate from d1." I think that's great, a PvP mode shouldn't be about who can camp power ammo better or who can use their super ability. I really don't see how people who can consistently land shots on their opponents would be affected, and landing three shots on somebody only to get hit in the head with a grenade isn't exactly fun for a lot of people.



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