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由LeVante编辑: 9/1/2018 9:22:55 AM

This crucible is a DISGRACE. Players are abandoning PvP

Look I'm really really trying to adjust and I even win matches going positive but ... this way of playing PvP is SO frustrating and not fun. I realized I stopped going into PvP with my friends because it doesn't matter at all, everyone runs around on its own. I thought that Bungie said "Destiny is at its best if you play with other people or with your friends" well this crucible is denying exactly that principle. I really don't understand how did we get to this. TTK is way too low now and it's not fun it's just insanity. About 5 other people in my clan told me that they're done with PvP and we are all Destiny veterans since D1Y1. I'm afraid that we're not the only ones. I have read that the whole point of these crucible changes was "to bring back more players". Well once again all I'm seeing is the exact opposite result.



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  • for me it is the chaos since the change to 6v6 in quickplay and even more the change in weapon slots, some people love it but I cannot handle that. It's like sniper-shotgun-super-sniper-shotgun-super with no strategy, which i just don't like. Now I changed to competitive and its really much better since radar is back! ...still waiting for getting DDosed... xD



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