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由ErraticHail2012编辑: 7/29/2018 7:48:35 AM

Game won't start after recent update

[Xbox One] I recently installed the latest "Destiny 2" update (1.2.3 I believe) and started giving me an error when trying to launch it. Getting game ready "2 seconds later" Something went wrong An error occurred during the system update. For detailed instructions, select help. [Close] [Help] [Report a problem] What's wierd is that I haven't done any system updates and it only happens to this game, every other game work perfectly fine. Choosing "Help" takes me to a page that talks about system update error, which makes no sence since it was a game update, not a system update. I've talked to a tech, and did the usual "reboot" and "console reset while keeping apps", and came to the conclusion that it was the Xbox servers having problems. It's been about 11 days and I'm sure it's the update that gave me this problem. Any help or things I can try?



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