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由Pocket Fox编辑: 9/25/2018 9:29:13 AM

Telesto no longer the besto, it got ninja nerfed-o in the latest hotfix-o.

Bungie at it again with the secret nerfs. Now, I don't have damage numbers, because come on it's Telesto lol. But I've been more or less maining Telesto in PvE since the weapon slot changes so I know damn well how much damage it used to do to all enemies in this game. Zero question, it got nerfed. The difference is immediately noticeable. Is Telesto still good? Yes, because it remains one of the most versatile guns in PvE, useful on everything from mobs to shielded enemies to majors and even bosses. But it is no longer the unquestioned best energy slot weapon in the entire game. This opens the door for full auto shotguns and snipers and Sun Shot (which just got a stealth buff and is pretty filthy in PvE right now). Telesto is no longer the besto. :(



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