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由Spawn编辑: 10/3/2018 11:21:24 AM

Crucible Devs - Breakthrough in Comp

So this is a message to the Crucible devs asking for them to look at the game mode Breakthrough as a whole and it’s place in the Competitive playlist. This is coming from a consistent higher tier pvp player since Destiny 1. I currently sit around 2700 Comp rank and I’m climbing every day for reference. As of a few minutes ago, I just got finished with a 30 minute game of Breakthrough on Convergence (the Pantheon callback). The way it went, my team had lost the first 2 rounds as we took the middle zone both times as we played for the neutral ground well but as a result, had to fight for their vault which we lost horribly each time. Then it came to our team realizing that defending your own vault is multiple times easier than fighting for your opponents’ vault. Locking down the area, even if they have heavy and supers, is much easier than attacking as your respawn timer is the same if not identical to theirs and you have much less ground to cover on respawn (I realize attackers spawn mid map) with an easier objective. The game proceeds to go through rounds and rounds of neither team playing for the middle zone as it’s basically throwing the round away. This goes on for a time until the enemy team gets restless and a lone member decides to cap the middle point 2 rounds in a row which of course my team easily defends against, heavy and super disadvantage on top of that. After what seems like forever, a member of the enemy team gets tired of nothing happening and leaves. My team sees that taking the initiative is finally easier in a 4 v 3 and we take the middle point fast and take the vault all the same with all of our supers. Again this all spanned about 30 minutes. I suggest putting the game mode, at least in the competitive playlist, on pause until something is done about the scoring system. As it stands, the proactive team is at a huge disadvantage if they try to score. The reactive and passive team has a much easier time getting points on the board for their opponents trying to progress the game. This leads to the stalemating that I posted above. If I could make a suggestion, instead of punishing the proactive team, you could have them rewarded instead in the form of a score rework. What I have in mind is that the team that captures the center zone is awarded 1 point. If they successfully manage to capture the opposing team’s vault, they get an additional point. This could go on until a score limit of 5. This would properly reward proactive teams that play the mode correctly while still giving the defending team something to work for to lessen the losses. If the point is given instantly when you cap the center zone, you can avoid instances reaching the 5th point needed to win and then playing for an extra few minutes for no reason fighting for a vault. This is all I have on this. If you’re reading and agree, do me and other Competitive playlist players a favor and upvote it in the hopes Bungie sees it. If something is done about it, whether it is removed or reworked, best of luck with that Bungie. -Eyaside [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in.  [url=] See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]



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