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由Munjan007编辑: 1/2/2019 12:04:15 AM

Bungie rewards crucible medallion

[b]UPDATE[/b] : bungie update deadline to 8/30/19 for the crucible and chronicler medallions. Thanks bungie. Will it be possible for players that didn't get the Redrix Claymore in season 3 to complete the Crucible Seal before the deadline of 3/30/19 for the Crucible Medallion Pin? Triumph 'Fabled Warrior', which is achieved by obtaining the 3 fabled competitive Items, is required to get the crucible seal. The bungie rewards Crucible Medallion has a deadline of 3/30/19 which is the curent season and 1 more. Edit: the same problem happens with the triumph 'A Glorious Legend' which requires you to reach Legend rank 3 times. How can you achieve this if you didn't get legend before Forsaken? Are players that didn't get claymore before the seal/medallion reward was even announced screwed?



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