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由Rhynerd编辑: 10/28/2018 7:43:04 PM

Game songs great for other games:

I was thinking of making a thread about the song [url=]Mourning Sound[/url] by Grizzly Bear over in #Offtopic. I then realized how little I want to visit #Offtopic. So I’ve decided to make a music thread in #Gaming, but with a twist, as we have plenty of favorite game sountracks/songs already. It’s been a while since we’ve discussed how a game’s soundtrack can work well with other games. Personally, I’ve felt TWEWY’s music works well for me during matches of Dirty Bomb. I’ve also got plans to see if song linked here (other than Mourning Sound) can work for No Man’s Sky. How about you folks? Anyone else here take one soundtrack and use it for a different game? I’ll also take ideas you have for this kind of subject.



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