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11/27/2018 10:15:08 PM

Bungie, Look Me In The Eyes and Tell Me Nova Warp is Balanced

You can't, can you? When a super can last as long as Nova Warp can, all while teleporting across the map and insta killing supers at the slightest tickle of damage, it's NOT balanced. What happened to you today? You were supposed to be the Knight in shining armor, you fixed D2 with Forsaken, but you were too scared to actually balance the new things you introduced? You realize this is the first time in Destiny history that a new sandbox patch didn't change the meta AT ALL? While we're here what about Telesto? Shotguns? One Eyed Mask? Heavy Economy? Special Ammo Economy favoring Shotguns over other special weapons? Blade Barrage? Buffing other supers? Comp Point Tuning? Comp Matchmaking? SMGs? What happened to all of this? Are these things coming with Black Armory on the 4th, or do you actually think you got it right the first release? We want answers.



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