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由Rougarou编辑: 12/13/2018 9:52:13 PM

PC | NA | Halp! Need make friends for to make power level higher. [Sarcasm]

I have a love hate relationship with this game. I'm on PC, in NA. I have all three classes at 590+ I greatly enjoy the Forsaken expansion. I want play game much. However. This community is cancer to solo or lfg into. I haven't done a raid since Leviathan. Not because they are hard or I'm bad, I just hate waiting an hour to get a team going then having people leave halfway through. I'm an endgame guy with a youtube subscription to Datto, and I'm looking for a home. Give a boy a clan today. Save a life. P.S. Not interested in giant clans that are bassically just lfg discords, miss me.



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