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9/25/2017 12:05:44 PM

Report Player - Quiting

Bungie: You added a new report option for quiting. BUT how can we use this if the quitters no longer appear in the game roster? What are we supposed to do? Report before they quit? I really think that you should show the DNF (Did Not Finish) players in all game modes that have a post game summary (crucible, strikes, etc.). I am pretty sure you can do this because in Destiny 1, the web-based game trackers showed the DNF players. And not just for quiting, but to see stats for those players that leave just after the game ends (not listed in the post game summary). Re: Not to report for quiting, rather just to see how little (or how much) that player contributed. Please note that I realize not everyone that leaves a game early had quit as Destiny 2 seems a lot less stable connection-wise than the Destiny 1 - I've been kicked more times just doing patrols, stories, etc. in the first few weeks of Destiny 2 than in 3 years of D1 (OK, maybe a slight exaggeration but it is definitely worse).



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