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1/23/2019 1:21:34 AM

Being coerced into playing Rumble feels bad

So for context, I'm on the Redrix quest step where I have to do 25 full matches each of Quickplay, Competitive, and Rumble. I've been slogging my way through losing a handful of matches, and I feel like shit, so this is not going to be a positive write-up. I would really like to hear from Bungie why they put that particular requirement in. I mean, in my mind it's already extremely painful to get killed repeatedly by weapons that I don't have access to (Luna's, etc), but to let those people run about and mess with people in quickplay is unpleasant, but at least there I have a team, and my friends and I can work together and try to out-teamshot those people, or use tactics and things. But as someone who plays primarily PvE, and enjoys collecting things, having something gated so hard behind something I utterly despise (Rumble) is disheartening to the point of "Well I guess I might just not ever play again". I mean, if I were to throw the designers a bone, I might understand if they were trying to artificially inflate the population of the Rumble playlist. But this quest has been around since last season, and I couldn't play during season 4 for a number of personal reasons. So now here I am, trying to catch up, and the only people left are running around with Luna's Howls and Not Forgottens, or other unbalanced weapons that I don't have access to (Jotunn) and it just feels.... bad. I don't see any positive things coming out of this (here comes the cynicism). Other people are better at this game than me, that's fine. I feel no need to compete with them. But Bungie needs to supply those people with a pool of suckers and targets to make them feel good about themselves, and so this quest step comes in, and I have to just slog through it. I should also mention that I main a Warlock, and this quest step is so far down the goddamn line that it would take me a not-insignificant amount of time just to get *back* to this point with another character, before even trying to get through it. And of course it doesn't retroactively count matches played, so I'd have to slog through tons of stuff *and then* start playing more Rumble. So Titans can sprint at me and melee me and I die. Hunters can insta-cast Blade Barrage anywhere in my general direction and I die. Even other Warlocks can seem to make things work better than I can. And I'm just running around like a putz trying to find some way to not feel like garbage about being encouraged to do something I hate. I'm going to suffer through it eventually, I suppose, because I'm a -blam!-ing loser like that. But Bungie should know that this kind of stuff just hollows me right out, and burns through any positive feelings I have about coming back to play the game again. I know it's not going to change, and I'm sure some PvP die-hards are going to complain about me wanting hand-outs or something like that. I don't want a hand-out and I'm not petitioning this to be changed. I just want Bungie to know that forcing this kind of thing on players like me feels awful, and I sincerely hope they never do it again.



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  • I’m gonna give you the best advice possible. I finished whole quest start to finish in three days. 5 resets, everything. 1.) stop trying to only compete and keep up with ppl. Just aim for top three don’t let getting killed get under your skin. Whole time I played I shrugged off as oh well it happens, why? Because you’re just here for a quest not to win you’re here to complete not to compete so don’t hold yourself up to try hard standards. 2.) try music or something to keep your spirits up because as a PVE main finishing that whole quest in 3 days was the most mind numbing experience ever. 3.) grab you a bygones or blast furnace and a hand cannon and profit. Try the meta or try out new combinations anything to “spice up” the horrid experience 4.) take a break. Crucible is bad for the soul. That’s my advice to you good luck just try not to hold yourself up to try hard standards find a build that works for your or better yet “fun” for you. And start saving up bounties now



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  • That 25 matches of everything is where i deleted the quest, I don't like rumble at all. In 4+ years of destiny i can count on one hand how many times I played rumble



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  • Then just don’t try. Have fun. Heck, go afk. You don’t have to win or anything, it’s not that hard.



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  • Oh, and to answer the question of "why I bother", it's because I'm a collector. I like to spend time tracking down the things I don't have, and there's a huge f****** hole in the middle of my Forged in Fire collection.



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