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1/23/2019 2:30:11 AM

no loot riven

So basiclly me and my friends did riven and apparently my key to open the box in the end got send to my post master. While i managed to get it out of the post master through the app my friends thought it would be hilarious to jump to the traveler so i wouldn't get any loot. It turns out if you kill riven and then head back afterwards to the last wish the entire instance is reset, so now i spend about 6-8 hours progressing a boss while people play like monkeys and now i can't even get loot from it cause i don't have time this week to redo it all over again while i have the key. Is there any way that you can like remove the reset so i can go in and actually open the chest and get the loot i worked so hard for ?
#Help #riven #noloot



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